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Hi G,


I know you get this all the time, but I've spent so many hours thinking of a way to communicate how much you and your teachings have done for me. It's just an immense outpour of gratitude and love for you.


You've become many things to me, from a timeless Sage, to a loving father figure, to a friend that I wish I could spend more time with.


Oftentimes I really just want to express my love and gratitude to you, as I'll simply start crying when I think about how lost I'd be without your guidance.


I hope you are well, healthy and are feeling the love that I, and so many others have for you. And I hope that you see how much the suffering that you've endured throughout your life has helped countless people find their own original innocence. Thank you so much for everything. And I'll end with a quote from one of my now favorite books - "We are all born with a song in our hearts. And yet we may first come to know it by its absence"


Love you,

G Brent

This latest video has helped this one here a lot today. You explain things so succinctly, in words that were really heard and felt. The body has cancer and sporadic back pain. I had to hear it about 7 times until the message stuck .


Nonduality has been followed for a few years, but this particular issue has been an apparent difficult hurdle to supposedly overcome. Now it's seen that pain is a construct and concept, and it's the emotion that is attached to the sensations which incur the suffering.


This is the first time I have been able to be in the sensation and not be miserable and angry, frustrated and hurt by it. Thank you for your articulate explanation -so grateful for finding you.


Namaste GP


Cute Girl
Man in Denim Jacket

Just wanted to publicly say thank you to GP for everything. I'm currently on part 6.2 of Inner Reconciliation level 3....and oh what a relief it is.


Feeling a sense of ease that I'm being guided by someone who understands and knows what the heck he's doing. It's been a long journey to find my teacher. Much gratitude.


Ben Floyd

Ben, I was feeling exactly as You are feeling now, when I somehow found GP on YT - never forget this: YES! YES! YES! - what a Great Master!

You're just such a phenomenal teacher. I love you GP!


Was listening to the Satsang from today again and I am bonded to you too G. Even though you held our hands and guided us right up to the door, I can’t let go of you my guru. In the beginning of this journey, I heard some Indian teachers say that you’ll find your guru in a physical manifestation when the time is right, and I had no earthly idea that it was going to be a white dude lol


Tears were welling up when I was thinking of this but you are God to me G


You are Lord shiva, Jesus, Buddha everything to me Baba G

Jay Pillai

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