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Blooming Garden

Resources for Your Growth

One on One, Workshops, Retreats

Happy Human Starship

An Advanced Life Transformation Program
Co-Taught by OM School Co-Founder Lisa Berry

GP offers an ongoing 8 week intensive transformation program.


You'll get daily support to bring about the kind of life transformation that you have only dreamed of.


If you are ready to up level the quality of life you are experiencing then check out the Happy Human Starship our premium.

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Private Sessions

GP provides sessions that focus on your spiritual life, relationships, work, and all the rest, all from a deeply spiritual perspective.


These sessions can involve non-dual inquiry, EFT, Inner Reconciliation, meditation, and more.


The answer is already inside of you. GP just helps you find it!


Live Workshops

GP holds live workshops, online at least once a month.


Some are a single workshop usually 2 hours in length. Others are full immersions up to 10 weeks long.


The subjects he covers are quite varied but all have at their heart his unique spiritual approach to life and living.


GP also does Professional Facilitator Trainings in both Inner Reconciliation and his unique form of Meridian Tapping.

People During Workshop

Self-Inquiry Retreats

The practice of self-inquiry is at the heart of everything GP teaches. ​


Several times a year he leads 3 day self-inquiry retreats where we dive into the deepest spiritual practice there is.


Currently, they are online but they will resume in person as soon as we are able.

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Home Study Courses

GP's classroom, The OM School, is the home for all of his online, home study courses, and workshops.​


The subjects covers there are quite varied but all have at their heart his unique spiritual approach to life and living.

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