"Self-inquiry is the one, infallible means, the only direct one, to realize the unconditioned, absolute Being that you really are." ~ Ramana Maharshi
learning to see yourself as you truly are

If you want to know who you really are, the truth of your being, then where else can you look but within?
Non-Dual Self-Inquiry isn't complex, arcane, esoteric. It is the very simple act of learning to look at yourself directly, which referring to anything other than yourself.
That includes all your history, your conditioning, your memories and experiences, all the stories, images and ideas you hold of yourself.
It starts with the simple recognition that what you have come to believe yourself to be, has been changing, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. But it has never been stable or consistent.
The truth of you cannot be something that is always changing.
Truth is not false one minute and then true the next and then false again.​
Throughout your entire life there has been something consistent and unchanging right at the center of you.
​​While all of your ideas, beliefs, interests, preferences, loves and hates have changed, you, the experiencer of those changes, has remained the same.
Yet, this unchanging center is so subtle and constant that we don't pay any attention it. In Non-Dual Self-Inquiry, we do pay attention to it. We explore it. We find out who was there before all the conditioning took place.
In other words we discover the original, pristine, innocent you that was there all along but covered up by our beliefs.

Freedom from Suffering
"Hi G! I'm S0 grateful to you and so grateful that I can find freedom through your teachings. This path of Awakening brings up so much intense stuff, but then you guide us back to our non-dual Self so seamlessly.
Today I went from profoundly deep suffering to incredible lightness of being just as a result of your guided meditation. Just in case you wonder if your efforts are having effect." - Jill Kelly (from YouTube)
"Gosh you’re GOOD!!! Thank you! It’s much easier to see in how you explain it."
- AKT (YouTube Comment)