Energy Healing
Soul Reconnection
"After decades of all sorts of practices; metaphysical, emotional, mythological, psychological and, of course, spiritual, I finally brought it all together into a single, simple approach to inner work and the spiritual path and I named it Inner Reconciliation." ~ GP Walsh
La culminación del viaje de una vida
No estas roto
Para muchos eso suena completamente absurdo.
Después de todo, ¿no toda la autoayuda, el desarrollo personal y la práctica espiritual se proponen arreglar, eliminar o trascender todas nuestras fallas personales que necesitan ser corregidas para poder vivir una vida plena?
Con el debido respeto a todos esos enfoques sinceros, ¡todos están completamente equivocados!
No estas roto
In this fun and inspiring video series you will hear the remarkable life journey of a man transformed from a drugged out rock n' roll drummer to an internaltionally known
and loved Master Spiritual Teacher.
It unfolds the entire story from his abusive childhood, his descent in deep despair and his extraordinary spiritual experience that transformed his life and eventually unfolded to him the cause and cure for suffering which also happens to be the key to happiness.