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Willkommen im Tapping-Portal
Die Energietechniken der Inneren Versöhnung

"I'm not saying we do it better. I'm just saying this is how it should be done." - Jimi Hendrix

Start Life Again with a Clean Slate

Deep Cleanse Tapping Event

4 amazing workshops
this  super event will give
your entire life a reboot!


Tapping Out Of

Tapping InTo

  • Self-Blame

  • Self-Doubt

  • Trauma

  • False Beliefs

  • The Past

  • Self-Love

  • Self-Trust

  • Freedom (all kinds)

  • Confidence

  • Natural Divinity


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Meridian Tapping

GP is not only a Master Spiritual Teacher, he is a Master Energy Healer using his unique adaptation of Tapping

Meridian Tapping is a powerful holistic healing technique

It has helped millions of people with a wide range of emotional, mental, and even physical illnesses. It has been used to treat all sorts of issues, including stress, anxiety, phobias, depression, addictions, chronic pain, weight control, and limiting beliefs. And that is just a sample.

I personally used this technique when I worked with combat veterans from 4 different wars, with severe PTSD. Every single one of them improved and, in some cases, they got their lives back.

Derived from acupuncture, tapping is at the center of a whole new approach to health called Energy Psychology and GP is one of the leaders in this field.

"Disciplines such as yoga, massage, tai chi, and acupuncture rely on a body-mind connection, and evidence shows that these interventions can relieve stress, depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. EFT tapping falls into the category of body-centered therapies." - Source

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       A Student's Experience with GP's Tapping

"Today I was at peak frustration UNTIL I listened to the four parts of "The Power of Touch". I had a kind of psychosis at 24. Back then I definitely felt like I was at war with myself. I am getting back to myself thanks to you. I have my work cut out for me, but holy moly the relief I already feel to actually have a toolkit for dealing with my nervous nervous system ;)  I am forever grateful. - With love, J"  (name withheld by request)

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